TRASH MAG is a multi-media organization founded by two women intended to raise awareness on topics such as: power, privilege, self-identity and representation. Since 2016, they have crafted a community that spans worldwide through events, social media and printed zines.

Journalist, and long time contributor to TRASH MAG, Holly Alvarado, started the We Skate Too series emphasizing the impact women, trans, non-binary and queer-identifying individuals made on the world of skate. TRASH MAG’s then transformed Holly’s articles into an iconic zine showcasing various skate organizations within the Southern California region. Along with a slew of public submissions sent to TRASH MAG by non-traditional skaters around the world.

I was tasked with laying out three of the main featured articles. In order to create both continuity and individuality for each article, I applied a standard text treatment, while crafting unique visuals specifically highlighting the tone and vibe of each separate organization. 

We Skate Too was a joy to be a part of as I saw a bright light go on within the audience once they had the zine in their hands. Being able to empower, inspire and motivate an audience to embrace their truest selves is something I will never get tired of doing. This is the magic design possesses! And I’m so glad I get to continually be a part of something that connects different communities, fosters creative expression and encourages self love and exploration.

TRASH MAG: We Skate Too


Gen Z


Scar of Mind